Welcome to the HCP website. We have named our group Health Core Possibilities to indicate our backgrounds and interests which are all about the opportunities created when what is possible is foreseen or imagined. Healthcare is undergoing CORE changes that will continue to overhaul the healthcare system for decades. Technology is much more than hardware. The increasing use of social media and mobile applications continue to radically alter how healthcare is delivered. Patients are growing in their ability – and desire – to make more core decisions about their personal health and how they wish to interact with healthcare institutions.

Check this website. I will be posting regularly about developments micro and macro; i.e., projects in which we are involved and activities that are reshaping the system. Here are some examples of topics I plan to cover.

  • the healthcare “gray market” and cash practice
  • the integrative health movement: “traditional medicines” especially Chinese medicine with the medical mainstream
  • how “telemedicine” became “medicine” and is morphing into “personalized medicine”
  • the ascension of primary care and midlevel health professionals
  • international trends and opportunities in medicine
  • acupuncture can relieve pain but can the profession get out of its own way?
  • Level the playing field with regulatory boards and the BPPE.
  • and more…